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Writer's pictureLeah Miller

"I dare you"

"I dare you"-tattoo I had no idea would receive such a mixed, and at times almost intimidating

reaction from people.

I've never been the type of person

who wanted a lot of tattoos, and I don't remember the exact moment I conceptualized this three word phrase that would mean so much to me. I just remember it coming to me, and then the two years (at least) of consideration before actually shelling out the money and getting it.

"I dare you"

My personal mantra against hesitation in the face of inspiration and goal-setting. A permanent reminder to never let fear be the reason I don't do something. I just had to conquer my fear of needles.

Let's get one thing straight. I do not regret the tattoo, and I do not care what other people say. However, I do work a retail job to pay the bills as of now, and I was surprised how many people laughed at it. I've had people come up to me and dare me to do things in a way that made me uncomfortable. It has been more of a conversation starter than I ever imagined for three little words on my forearm. People have taken it to mean I am daring them.

Daring them to what, I wonder, might people assume?

It has been an interesting endeavor-watching people interpret something deeply meaningful to me in ways that feel threatening. But I don't regret it.

"I dare you"...

But real talk. I got this tattoo to encourage me to work hard for my passions--to truly attack life head on and write, whether it's music or stories.

And it has not worked. I was foolish to think a little ink on my arm could help me self-motivate. That it could help regulate my brain into being productive without the need for 1 a.m. hyper fixations. There's only so much external change can do if I can't help myself internally.

And so here I am. Writing the first blog post in months. Posting on Instagram for the first time in equally as long. Sick of making empty promises, so I won't make any.

But I have learned something. Growth is not as linear as I'd like it to be. It is months of working a less-than-ideal job living day by day, beating back the existential crisis of not having a big goal for the first time in my life. It's taking a leap and buying a midi keyboard on black Friday and composing my first proper instrumental piece. (But that's another story) It can feel like a lot of nothing in between milestones.

I would love to end this story with an inspirational "I dare you" with promises to upload more often and commit to myself. But I can't put that kind of pressure on myself anymore. Not at this stage. I am about to uproot my life and go on a kind of adventure I never saw for myself with a person chasing his dream, but I don't intend to sit idly by, ignoring the desperate urge to seek a dream of my own. It doesn't suit me.

I do have "I dare you" on my arm after all, with no period. Because there is never an end to seeking growth and adventure. always..."Adventure on" and don't forget to always be true to yourself.

Adventure on...that would make a nice tattoo.

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